Monday, March 25, 2013

Who shouldn’t want to write a book?

By Dennis Mellersh

Question: How many people want to write a book?

Answer: Almost everybody, it would seem.

Discussion groups, blog and website comments, social media, and search engine statistics demonstrate that there is a super-abundance of people wanting to know how to write some form of book.

However, let’s ask the same question in a different way:

How many people want to personally invest the serious time and hard work it takes to learn how to become a writer; and then further invest the required additional energy, discipline, and long hours to learn the additional writing skills needed to create manuscripts for book-length writing projects?

Not many.

But that’s why you’re here reading this. You do want to make the personal investment. You do want to commit to this educational journey.

So, who shouldn’t want to write a book?

People who are not like you.

People who are not willing to make the necessary commitment to the process of becoming a writer.

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