Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Write non-fiction in your own voice

By Dennis Mellersh

In writing non-fiction, such as a book you may be planning, it can be a temptation to try to write in what you might perceive to be a scholarly, educated or academic voice or narrative style.

However, in writing this way, you will likely be writing your book in a manner that is unnatural, and perhaps worse, boring.

However, by writing in your own natural voice your writing will be more interesting, accessible, and have more appeal to most readers.

Writing in your natural voice (the way you talk) actually makes your writing more authentic, authoritative and credible than if you try to make it sound important or scholarly.

When you try to write in a way that is not natural to you your writing will sound forced, fake, and likely pretentious.

When you try to write in a voice that is not your own, you will essentially not be writing to please yourself.

The result is probably that no-one else will be pleased, or interested in what you have to say.

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